Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Two Days of Christmas

Christmas at the Rossiter home was actually not as high maintenance as I thought it would be. The girls didn't get up at the ass-crack of dawn and we didn't even make it downstairs until almost 8am. (the girls' gift to us). They were pretty pleased with the presents and had a blast opening them, as you can see here: The annual ritual of rip, toss and squeal was alive and well in our home on Christmas morning. I have to say that I was a little perturbed at the fact that Cailyn seemed more impressed with the green sticky hand grabber in her stocking than her new GBA, but once Jon got it out of the box and she understood exactly what it was--she really enjoyed it. Erin walked around dressed as Cinderella for the entire day. Life was good. Then, on the 26th, we made our pilgrimage to Grandma and Papa's house (in Vermont--my folks) to celebrate the holiday. After encountering monsoon-like rains in New Hampshire (gotta love New England weather), we had a great drive home. The girls even managed to get along and not force us to threaten any post-Christmas beatings. Christmas is ok at our house: we have a nice tree and I do a little decorating in the house. However, in order to really see what can be done to trim the tree and deck the halls, you need to come to my Mom's house: Welcome to Christmas Village! This display has been almost 20 years in the making and has taken over the new addition on my parents' house. What was once a summer room is now the Christmas room. Mom has collected these things forever and has put them up from time to time, but nothing like this. I tease her about her mania regarding this village, but I have to admit, it's impressive. Yes, this is a working fountain in the church square.... A close up shot of one section of town. But, the big fun at Christmas doesn't stop at the village--nope! In true grandparent fashion, my folks went crazy with the presents. Need proof? Here ya go: This is the before picture. There isn't an after picture, because, quite honestly, it was too horrifying to post publicly LOL. The girls were very good, I have to say--I'm just wondering when my real children will be returned for these well-behaved/calm children. Until then, I'll enjoy my Christmas gift. Oh, speaking of gifts, Jon did very well this year (he must have read my blog post about Christmas shopping and gifts). It just goes to show that he didn't need to spend a fortune, but I LOVED the gifts that I recieved. Thank you, babe! I love ya so much! To all parents out there, I wish you a happy recovery from the holidays. We've earned it! M.


Sheri said...

What a beautiful CHristmas village. I could stand for hours just looking at all the lights and little things. I adore miniatures.

It sounds like you had a wonderful CHristmas!

Happy New Year!

Robin said...

That Christmas village is something to behold!! Quite beautiful.

I'm glad you recovered, and I am glad that my kids are not the only ones that got embarassing gobs of loot from the grandparents!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! Glad to see you survived the holiday season (god forbid I should refer to it as christmas, LOL) Jackie's x-mas village is awesome. Looks like going overboard was an understatement at the grandparents house. Did you fit everything in the Pontiac? Have a great new year. We will be building an arc here in Northwest Ohio.

Luv ya,