Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Shiny Red Shoes

It happens every year: one of my children add some last minute item to their Christmas list that they just HAVE TO HAVE. For the first time in ages, I've been ahead of the game with the shopping (although not so much with the wrapping, but hey, it's a start). I was done as of last week. However, last week, Erin (the 3 y.o.) announced emphatically to me on her way to preschool: "Mommy, I want shiny, sparkly red shoes. They have to be red and have a strap and shiny and like Dorothy's. But, I'm going to wear them so I can be a true princess like Dora [the Explorer]". I gave the standard answer any parent gives to a child in a situation like this: "Mm hmm, maybe some day." Translation: "Whatever." We adults believe things like this are just a passing fancy and the little tyke will latch onto something else tomorrow. Not Erin. She remembers all, and makes sure that everyone around her knows that she ain't forgetting anything. The child can't remember to pick up her toys when she's done, but, oh, she can give you a highly detailed description of what she wants for Christmas. In the seven days since the first mention of these blasted shoes, not a single day has gone by without Erin reminding me (and telling the world) about how much she wants them and has to have them. It doesn't matter if I'm dropping her off, picking her up, giving her a bath, or if she's wiping her butt after going potty, she says the same thing each time. "Mommy, I want shiny, sparkly red shoes. They have to be red and have a strap and shiny and like Dorothy's. But, I'm going to wear them so I can be a true princess like Dora [the Explorer]". In a moment that proves that my mind holds mindless pieces of information that pop up at the most appropriate times, my brain recalled a line from the movie "A Chorus Line", where one of the dancers auditioning for a role speaks of a supposed beloved movie of a fellow dancer:
"See, I've never heard of 'The Red Shoes'. I've never seen 'The Red Shoes'. I don't give a shit about 'The Red Shoes."
I fully understand what she's talking about. But today, a major revelation happened. While watching Erin's preschool Christmas pageant, I saw them. There are actually red sparkly shoes out there, because a little girl in Erin's class had them. Ah, hell. As soon as the show was over, Erin made sure that I saw them. "See Abby has them! But, they don't have a buckle." Picky, picky. So, in a move that probably caused me to look some some freakish stalker lady, I chased down the girl's mom and asked her where she got those shoes. The answer: Wal-Mart. Yeah, exactly where I want to go 5 days before Christmas. If you need convincing, let my husband Jon explain further. But, of course, being the sucker mom that I am, went to Wally World in search of the Holy Grail of Shoes. I found the last pair on Earth--in a size 2 sizes too big for my kid. But, size really doesn't matter, so I picked them up, feeling victorious in my quest. They should have been for Christmas, but when I picked Erin up, she asked if I found her shoes, yet. In the interest of my sanity, she got the shoes tonight. My reward? A great big smile....and the delightful sounds of shoes two sizes too big stomping throughout my house. So much for my sanity.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

ah yes - those sparkly red shoes at Wally World. My daughter has tried to cram her feet into them every single time we go to that store. Like her feet are going to shrink since our previous visit. They never have her size available and they are a fairly narrow shoe and my daughter has flat pancakes for feet. How lucky you were to find them and how effin' brave you are for venturing into W.world so close to Xmas. You rock lady.