Friday, December 09, 2005


As is typical of how December has been going, I woke up this morning around 7 to the sounds of Jon asking me to help get the girls ready for school. Now, since I've not been feeling so swift, lately, I decide not to be a total bitch and get up. The fact that it was still pretty dark wasn't helping to convince my ass to get out of the bed, though. I flip the tv from music (gotta love digital music!!) to one of our local stations. An all-too-familiar sight appears at the bottom of my screen. The blue banner with glaring white letters are mocking me. It's STORM CENTER! Up here in Maine, there are actually comedians (MARLEY/HAMM--OH, YEAH!) who do whole bits about this seasonal tradition. Forget the fact that holiday decorations have been up since Labor Day in many stores; never mind that no less than two radio stations have 24/7 Christmas music--which they call holiday music, but come on, I haven't heard a Hannukah song, yet, folks; it matters not that I've made two batches of cookies this week... Those of us in this area of Maine truly know " ' tis the season" when the local news anchors/weather people are wearing the sweaters and the blue and white banner runs constantly down below--school closing time!! Of course, when I was a teacher, I prayed for this sight when I woke up some winter mornings. I even have a patented "Dance of the Snow Day Fairy" [I hear you scoff, but don't mess with the powers, nonbelievers]. I have people actually call me up and make requests: my accuracy is no less than 87% in any given season. This is when my friends/family stop hiding behind various objects because they have a "weather geek" in their lives (selfish bastards! LOL Just kidding, guys!!). Now that I work at home, my dancing days are fewer and much more far between. I want these kids going to school!!! Needless to say, it wasn't until both kids were UP and watching Nickelodeon downstairs that I see Auburn is closed. Oh, hell... To think I could have slept a little more. Such is life. The day wasn't bad, though. Cailyn had a ball outside and it was pretty to look at... More pics to come tomorrow. I got a bit done around the house, starting to get caught up after the week from hell. Cleaning, cooking, gift prep and even a bit of online shopping. Snow days like this aren't so bad after all.

1 comment:

Mike Todd said...

I'd just like to make a request that when you post the next pics, at least one of them is of the Dance of the Snow Day Fairy. Funny post!