Thursday, December 08, 2005

Thursday Thirteen!

Thirteen Things about MARIE
  1. I love our Christmas tree. Every year we put it up, it always looks great! I have ornaments from when I was a baby all the way up to this year. I buy a new one for each of my girls each year, in order to carry on the tradition--and they will have a "starter" kit for their own tree, just like my mom did for me.
  2. I actually updated my wish list. Wanna check it out and see how lame I am? Click here. Jon always complains that I don't give him ideas for gifts, so I decided it was time to put a few things there. Since when do I want kitchen stuff? God, I am getting old and domestic.
  3. A nice piece of jewelry wouldn't be a bad thing, either. ;) Not necessarily expensive, just nice.
  4. I downloaded some Christmas and other music onto my Ipod today. Haven't done that in a while, either.
  5. I'm learning how to let go of being responsible for everyone else, except for me. This doesn't mean that I don't care or won't help--but, how can I expect others in my life to take on things if I don't give them the chance?
  6. Letting go of control of these things isn't easy, though. Letting go, period, ain't easy.
  7. I'm listening to Cailyn reading aloud--and the fact that she does so well blows me away. It's amazing how kids learn language, really--but, this is how a teacher's mind works (can take me out of the classroom, but....)
  8. Tonight is better than this morning.
  9. Living moment by moment is something that I'm being forced to learn. I think it will be a lesson well worth the struggle.
  10. I have a number of family outings planned for the four of us over the next few weeks--nothing major, but fun for Christmas. We're going to see two local performances (a living nativity and a Christmas Spectacular that I've heard about). I hope to be singing in a Messiah sing-a-long concert--I really want to be well enough for that next week!! And, one night right before Christmas, I want to get the kids in their PJs, and just before they go to bed, surprise them by taking them out to go look at the many beautiful light displays in our area. We'll have some carols in the car, a thermos of hot chocolate and off we'll go.
  11. Jon just called and said he's picking up Wendy's for dinner. Yeah, I love this guy and need to keep him around.
  12. It's never possible for me to stay angry with him--no matter how much I may want to.
  13. Tomorrow is going to be better than today....I need to believe that. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Renee The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Renee Nefe said...

I'm a control freak too. Luckily my family deals with it pretty well...including my SIL's...well one of them does, the other just doesn't deal.

The looking at lights sounds like fun. Wish it weren't so cold here for that! I can't even get the car to heat up after driving for an hour...burr!

here's my 13

Memphis said...

I take it there has been some friction? I hope things are smoothing out and you have a great December the rest of the way through. And Merry Christmas!