Friday, December 30, 2005

It's finally happened--I've been tagged!

Never thought this would happen to me, but I've been tagged for a meme. Usually, I just steal these things when I can't think of anything better to write. And, as I told the lovely Robin, who was gracious enough to do the tagging, this is what happens to people who steal. Anyway, to those I've tagged, it's not mandatory to do this, but it would be great to see your answers! Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot. 1. Sarah and the Goon Squad 2. Little Miss Pissy Pants 3. Nickle Annie 4. Smiling through the cracks--Robin 5. Around the Writer's Block--Marie Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to. Gosh, I hate picking people for this stuff, so many choices, so many choices...You don't HAVE to, but it'll make me really happy if you do it. Consider it a late Xmas present. ;-) 1. Heidi--I love ya, hon, so you know I had to pick ya. 2. Sheri--I read ya every day and love your blog. I know your answers will be fab! 3. Jon--this is what you get for entering the world of blogging, honey! 4. Josie--a dedicated author who is incredibly busy, so I'm not sure she'll do this! 5. Mike--I'm sorry, dude. I respect ya tons and you are my writing idol--so I couldn't resist. What were you doing 10 years ago? In December of 1995, I was 4 months out of graduate school and working in a law office of all places. I couldn't find a teaching job to save my life. Jon and I had just celebrated our first official Christmas together (where we were in the same state) and getting ready to ring in 1996--the year we got married. I was 24 years old. Wow. I was YOUNG. I was also ballroom dancing on a regular basis; Jon and I were practicing for our wedding, and I was also practicing for professional-amateur competitions--oh, yeah, this was a previous life.... Five snacks you enjoy: 1. Caramel Ho-Hos--there's one reason my hips are so huge! LOL 2. chips and salsa 3. peppermint patties 4. cake with lots of icing 5. cheese (ohh, yeah, I'm with Robin on this) Five songs you know all the lyrics to: I know the words to many, many, many songs. Here are five of my favorites: 1. The entire libretto to Oklahoma (that would count as 5 songs right there, but I decided to lump them all together so no one could say I cheated!) 2. You Oughta Know--Alanis Morrisette. Doesn't every woman know this song? 3. We Didn't Start the Fire--Billy Joel. Yes, I know all the lyrics to this history lesson to music. I also know the lyrics to most of Billy's songs. Great stuff! 4. Revolution--The Beatles. A great song to crank up on my iPod! 5. Dust in the Wind--Kansas. Yeah, something to say about that?!? I also have Carry On Wayward Son on the ol iPod, and I have that one down, too. But, I like Dust better! Five things you would do if you were a millionaire: 1. Pay off all our bills 2. Set up trust fund/college account for the girls 3. Buy Jon the car of his dreams 4. Get my mom the house of her dreams, with maid staff included! She'd have a great kitchen, though, cuz she loves to cook, but would have access to some great chefs if she ever didn't feel like cooking. 5. Buy my dream home--ranch house, one wing for Jon and me, one for the girls...laundry on same floor, two car garage, great entertainment center and computer center...awesome kitchen. I have simple needs. Five bad habits: 1. I bite my nails (:( it's a lost cause, I'm afraid) 2. Portion control (but, I'm working on that one!) 3. Procrastinating--I'll tell you why later... 4. Yelling--but, I'm working on that one, too. 5. Assuming that people know what I'm thinking even when I don't tell them. (What am I thnking right now? You don't know? WHAT THE FUCK???!!!!!) Five things you like doing: 1. Eating 2. Writing 3. Sleeping 4. Going out with Jon 5. Watching West Wing or Mythbusters with Jon (ok, is it bad that I don't have anything with the girls listed????) 5 favorite toys: 1. my laptop 2. my iPod and it's little fm transmitter for my car 3. TiVo 4. Xbox 5. my blog

1 comment:

Josie said...

Hi Marie - Congratulations on your first tag! This is only my second one so it's new to me as well. I'll think of some answers to the meme and post them on my blog. Have a fantastic weekend!