Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Perks of My Job...

I've been writing for my area's largest newspaper for over three years now. During that time, I never called in any favors to get special access to events in the area. There are two good reasons for that.

1. It's friggin' Auburn, Maine. How many big concert or theatrical events pass through this metropolis? The closest "hotspot" is Portland, which is approximately 30 minutes away. Still, Portland isn't quite a must see for many famous acts.

2. I have no life. Really.

On the rare occasion where something is happening, I'm too stupid to realize that I can tap into my "vast resources" and try to get behind the scenes. The one classic example is the time I went to see the Boston Pops in Augusta two Decembers ago. For years, I've been a huge fan of the orchestra's conductor, Keith Lockhart. It wasn't until the day of the concert that my friend (who got the tickets for us) asked:

Hey, why didn't you get a press pass or something? You could have gone backstage!

I'm not sure I could have gotten a pass or even access, but the fact that I didn't even think about it raised my awareness of how dumb I can be at times. In the end, though, it was a good thing I didn't get backstage. I had just switched meds for my depression, so things were a little--uh, off kilter. Oh, and I had thrown my back and was taking back meds, which I had a violent reaction to about 10 minutes into the performance. If I had been granted a brief meeting, it probably would have turned out a little like this:

Publicity manager for Civic Center: Mr. Lockhart, this is the reporter we told you about. She just has a few questions for you before you go onstage.

Me: (drooling and half coherent) Smifnu greebok

Keith has me physically removed and my ass winds up in the parking lot in 15 below winds

Things turn out certain ways for a reason.

So, when I discovered in September that another act was coming to town --Lewiston to be exact!--on the first weekend of November, I sprang into action! I made some calls, arranged for an article for our paper, got publicity clearance, scored a personal interview via phone and got the grand and a backstage meeting! I felt pretty damn impressed with myself and my "connections".

So, after 3 years of hard work, here is the fruit of my labors:

My kids had a blast...

This time, Doodleboops, next time The Stones....