Monday, December 05, 2005

stopped in my tracks part 2

Well, the doctor's visit was productive, but not exactly conclusive. Here's a few things that the doctor believes my symptoms are NOT indicative of:
  • a neurological condition
  • a cardiac condition

So, consider me grateful for that.

Of course, without any real illness to pinpoint the cause of my symptoms, we wind up having a bit of a guessing game on our hands. It could be any/all of the following:

  • boosting my new antidepressant too quickly
  • removing me from my old antidepressant too quickly
  • my inner ear having a reaction to a bad head cold I had for about a month that finally passed about a week ago (talk about a bad coincidence there, huh?)

What to do? What to do? For now, I've been dropped back to 1/2 my prescribed medication of the AD to see if that helps. In the meantime, I've also been given a version of--wait for it--dramamine to help me with the vertigo and nausea. I'm not allowed to drive for the next few days, either. It's a bummer, but I guess it's better than wrapping myself around a tree somewhere.

I made the comment the other day, as I was mid-heave sometime, that a part of me wishes I had never started the depressants to begin with. It's a stupid thought, I know. Where would I be right now if I hadn't? Perhaps I wouldn't be dealing with the dizziness and nausea, but the other things I'd have to deal with would most likely be much worse. It's all relative, I guess.

My bff, Heidi, said that when things like this happen, it reminds us about the little things that we take for granted (see last post) and helps get our priorities straight. She makes a very good point.

So, what next? I take the meds as prescribed, get some rest and gradually try to wean myself back into my normal daily routine. And pray that I don't have to change meds again for a long time...

This is all happening for a good reason. I just need some help figuring out what it is.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Oh man, I know how tough this is for you. It seems that you are darned if you do, darned if you don't. I know things will straighten out for you, they will. Try to stay positive, and look for that light at the end of the tunnel!!