Sunday, August 28, 2005

Some new pictures--Updated on Monday

First and foremost, I know I mentioned this here yesterday, but please, please, send out your prayers, well wishes or whatever good vibes you can to the people that will be affected by Hurricane Katrina. Even for a weather freak like me, this shit is scary stuff. Of course, I'll be watching before I go to bed to see the latest, but with winds over 160 mph, this storm means business. I just hope that everyone down there can get to somewhere safe. Ok, I've been taking a bunch of shots of the girls over the past few weeks playing. One of the things I'm learning as a budding photographer is to try to catch the little ones in thier element; this supposedly makes a better picture than posed ones. Personally, I have to agree with that, since whenever I try to either Cailyn or Erin to stand still for a shot, it's either impossible because they move or they make stupid faces. Anyway, here's some of the shots I've taken--see what you think: I caught Cailyn as she was climbing up on the playset. Didn't give her enough time to look silly. This picture says a lot about her. A bundle of contradictions: playful, yet serious; young in age, old in soul. No, I didn't put the girls in jail. They kept running back and forth on this grating on the playset, and I thought, "Hmm, could be an interesting shot. Came out looking like a prison photo--but, I think it's still kinda cool. Plus, they thought it was a riot. This is exactly what I'm talking about above. If they know the camera is there, this is what I usually get. Ah, yes, the genteel Rossiter girls. I liked the shadows and light on this one--and I decided to convert it to black and white--made a huge difference!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

before you know it you will be publishing a coffee table book of photos. awesome work, sister!