Friday, July 08, 2005

My newest hobby

I will admit these aren't the greatest pictures in the world, but at least they give an idea of what I've been up to lately with my hands. It seems incredible that someone who is as anti-craft as I am (I can't even draw a stick figure correctly) would want to pick up something like crochet. My best friend, Heidi, started knitting months ago--she's gotten quite good at it, actually. When she first started, she was kind enough to let me profile her for a feature the paper was doing on the rising popularity of knitting. Truly a best friend, she let me interview her as a beginner and even allowed one of the photographers to snap a few shots. I envied Heidi because she was creating something with her hands. Naturally, she asked me why I hadn't taken up knitting, too. "Anything that requires me to put two needles in my hand and move them around sounds too dangerous to me," I replied. It just didn't seem like a great idea for me. But, my mom crochets--has since I was a little girl. I never asked her to show me how to do it while I was growing up. I was too busy being a tomboy, I guess. Mom was probably stunned when, after watching her crochet for the first time in ages, I asked her if she could show me. It's taken me since May to start to get the hang of it. Mom could only show me the very basics and I've had to go from there. I've purchased "Crochet for Dummies", watched stitching videos online and just practiced a whole lot. I'm sill not very good, but at least now I'm making stuff that's recognizable. Below are a few pics of my progress. This is one of my first swatches. Apparently, I can't make squares or rectangles very well. I lean toward the trapezoid. How creative of me, eh? This is a purse I made for Cailyn. She seems to like it. Of course, I had to make another one for Erin. I just altered the size and shape a little, so they could tell them apart. So far, no fights. I made these booties today for a friend's baby. Not bad for my first pair: at least they look like booties. I do have to redo the one of them, as they are different sizes. Still can't talk and crochet...sigh.


Sheri said...

I think you are doing a great job with that crocheting! I am envious of anyone who can do handiwork like that. My great aunts used to tat lace. They made freaking lace for God's sake. I can't even imagine. My mother is a quilter, knitter, crocheter and none of that wore off on me. I can crochet a chain about 3 miles long and that's about it. Keep on practicing.

For a template for you...what type of picture would you be thinking you'd like at the top? and colors? I can work something up and see if you want it. Let me know.

mainiax said...

I took up knitting in November so here is my warning be careful its addicting you will find yourself with balls of yarn all over the house cuz you might need them for a project you might make.

Mike Todd said...

The only thing I can knit is my brow, though I'm also fairly skilled at furrowing.

Nice booties -- I'm impressed.

Alekx said...

good luck on the crocheting....
I can only make blankies...nothing so bold as booties.

Good job