Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Alive and Kickin'

In case anyone wondered, I have not vanished into thin air, run away from home (they'd find me) or gone an extended vacation (as if!). The past few weeks have simply been busier than usual up here in Maine, and I haven't had the time (i.e. energy) to sit and blog. I have been keeping up with those on my 'roll, and have tried to comment as much as possible. For those I missed, I apologize. So, here I am, ready to give you all the Cliffs Notes version of what's going on in my life.

Kids: The school year is winding down for Cailyn and Erin. I should have some spring school pics to post soon. Already I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with two girls for the entire summer. It will be the first summer that we're spending together, entirely--no camp for Cailyn, no summer preschool for Erin. This is where my planning experience as a teacher will be come into use, I think. Cailyn wants to take piano lessons that her school's music teacher is offering. Stay tuned for more summer fun details!

Parties and Visitors: Cailyn's confirmation and communion is this weekend. All 4 grandparents are coming from out of town for the big event. So, I've been getting the house to a place where, well, I can show it off and say, "Check this out!" I'm not the best housekeeper in the world, but I must say the house is coming along nicely. Hell, I even planted some flowers!! Me!! We're having a nice party for Miss C--a cookout. Should be fun, even with so many members of the same family staying under the same roof ;)

Jon: My DH has been busy setting the new work week record for hours. The past 2 1/2 weeks, 13-15 hour days have been the norm. He's exhausted, I'm tired from being a de-facto single mom. He's put up with a lot from work, much of which I can't get into here at this point. Let's just say we'll both be glad when this stretch of insanity is over.

Me: In the midst of party planning, spring cleaning, and single parenthood I have somehow managed to make some positive changes in my life. Almost 6 weeks ago, I joined Weight Watchers--or, should I say rejoined. Don't ask me how many times it's been because I'm not sure I can count that high. Anyway, I joined the online program, so I don't have to worry about making meetings and weighing-in there. This meant that I ahd to breakdown and buy a scale. Not fun. But, after my health scare a few months ago, there was no denying that something needed to be done. My focus has been day to day, not losing a certain amount of weight by a particular date. While the number on the scale is important here, I think the biggest priority should be making healthier choices. Food isn't something anyone can give up cold turkey (like alcohol, cigarettes, drugs). It has to be handled daily. Little steps will get me where I need to be, eventually. Oh, so far, I've lost 20 lbs. I weigh in every Thursday and hope that this week will be another good one! This month, I'm part of a challenge that requires me to stay on program all 31 days. I can do this! 22 days to go! I'll keep people posted on my progress, but don't plan on making it a big deal here. No one wants to read about that stuff all the time! As for writing, I'm wrapping up an online class--which was so-so and have a few small assignments going, which is good considering the family situation. There is a potential for some big news soon, but I can't say anything for sure just yet. I'm in the middle of...negotiations...and that's the only hint I'm giving right now. This won't be a life-changing thing for my career, but it could be a big step.

Ok, I need to get some things done around here. I will try to be around more! I've missed writing and hopefully I'll have somethings that are a little more interesting to read!


Robin said...

Well, congrats on your weight loss and the positive steps you are taking! I will be your personal online cheerleader!! RAH RAH RAH!!! GO MARIE!!

I can't wait to hear your news! I hope everything works out!

I'm in the midst of planning a birthday party myself. We are having a luau for monkey child, who will be 3 in 9 days! All the babies are officially gone from my house! :-(

Sheri said...

Wow on the weight loss!!!! Way to go!!!

Melody said...

Whoa...you are one busy woman...Keep the good work at WW. Drink LOTS and LOTS of water. :)

Marie said...

Congrats on the weight loss success, Marie! I did WW online a while ago, and it didn't work for me. Apparently having the in-person WW lady looking at my numbers works better for me. Hard to do that right now though... Yep, it's about healthy choices. I wish I could figure out which one is the sweet tooth & just YANK the sucker out!

Good luck!!