Thursday, May 11, 2006

Weigh In Thursday

Down another 3 this week for a total of 23 so far.

I'm only 9 lbs from my first 10%.

Thanks for all the encouragement and support everyone! It will be a long journey, but I'm going to enjoy the view along the way ;)

Will try to post more later! Off to take Erin to the puppet show/playdate!!


Robin said...

Way to go! Woo-hoo!!

Jon said...

Just wanted to say again how proud I am of you for taking this on and doing it for you, because you want to (not because someone told you had to, or even cause you think you had to- but because you want to). You're doing great and you should be proud. I already notice a big boost in your energy level and I can already see some physical changes. I know I say this all the time but let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I know this Journey is 99.999% yours to make, but know that you have my love and support always. You can do this, and you're doing great so far!

I love you!!!!