Thursday, June 01, 2006

Quick weight loss update

I'm trying to crank out some small writing projects today, but wanted to post an update.

I successfully completed the Every Day in May challenge I joined with a group on the Weight Watcher Boards. It wasn't an easy challenge, with Mother's Day, Cailyn's confirmation party and having my best friend in the world come for a long overdue vist. But, I got through it all, mostly because I'm the competitive type and didn't want to post a failure on my challenge group! ;) Knew that winning spirit would come in handy for something!

Anyway, as of my weigh-in this morning, I have lost 28.5 pounds! I'm only 3.5 pounds away from losing my 10%. One of my board buddies pointed out that I'm only 21.5 from losing 50!!! Unreal.

I'll keep taking it day by day, one at a time and will continue my journey, slowly but surely! Thanks for all the encouragement I've had from family, friends and readers!


Robin said...

Way to go Marie! That's awesome!!!

Mike Todd said...

That rocks! Congrats.