Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Experiment

This could be the true test that determines whether or not I need a nice little trip to a room without a view and has rubber walls in a nice shade of pink... The insanity of the last few weeks of summer brought to light a number of things about how things in our home are going. I noticed that both of my children were watching a lot of tv and while my husband and I spent time with the girls, it wasn't quality time. Also, Cailyn and Erin, who once knew how to occupy themselves other than watching the boob tube, decided that it was better to argue over who was watching what rather than playing. The end of the summer came and with school starting, it seemed like the best time to try a different approach to life in the Rossiter house. Some may see it as micrmanaging, but for now at least, I consider it simply some much needed structure. The experiment is limiting my girls to only an hour and a half of tv a day--combined. Most days, it shouldn't be too hard, as Cailyn has lessons twice a week and Erin once (Wednesdays/Fridays). That will keep the majority of the school week busy. That still leaves three days of the week to keep my two active daughters from killing each other and driving me nuts. ;) So, in true planning form, I've come up with how our afternoons are going to go for the next few weeks: From 3:30 to 4 the girls can watch TV when they have their snack. At 4:00 we either play a game, do an activity/craft or go out (park, library, etc). By 5, we're back and making dinner. After dinner, the girls have their hour--then it's tv time for their hour. By 7, Cailyn has HW time and Erin gets ready for Bed By 8, Erin is asleep and Cailyn gets ready for bed Lastly, it's reading time for Jon, me and Cailyn. Bedtime for Cailyn at 8:30 It sounds pretty simple, but it isn't easy to break old habits. Still, it's been a week and we've managed ok. Jon's in Tennessee for the week, so I'm on my own. Sigh...bad timing to get this up and going. How will The Experiment turn out? Check back and see how we survive with only a fraction of the tv that we're used to. :)

1 comment:

Robin said...

This should be interesting. ;-) I can't wait to see if you stick to it! I know I probably wouldn't...