Thursday, June 23, 2005

I need more &*(&$#( time!!

I'm not sure how moms who have kids at home full time are able to get anything accomplished. With school now out for both of my girls, they've been home together all week. After only 4 days, they are already driving each other nuts. Fortunately, Cailyn starts day camp on Monday and Erin's sitter is back from vacation next week. I feel like a crappy mom and a snob sometimes, because the kids aren't home with me every day during the week. But, if it weren't for some alone time, I think all I'd have left of my house is some spare pieces of wood and a few roof shingles. So, kudos to the full-time moms at home! Working from home is a challenge. The girls don't understand that when I say, "I'm working", it means they shouldn't bother me. Trying to string coherent thoughts together, be it for work or my own manuscripts isn't easy when I have two kids yelling, "Mom! She...." or "Can I have a snack!" or "It's my turn now!" Still, I've managed to get some work done over the past day and a half. I have finally have a revised and "complete" chapter of my memoir. You can read it at this link: Click here to read "Visions" I posted a draft version of this a while back on the ol' blog, but it is redone and much more in-depth. I'd love to hear what you think, if you get the chance to check it out. Secondly, I am writing a column called "Raising Girls" on No pay, but lots of exposure and a great way to keep me on my writing toes. Check it out at: Raising Girls I guess I just felt like I don't have enough on my plate right now. BWAH HA HA. Well, it's late and I am taking the girls to the library for story time in the morning and then to a picnic lunch with some friends. I guess I can be a good mom, once in a while...;)


Marie Rossiter said...

Hey girlfriend,

Thanks for the moral support and for listening!

Personally, though, I like "Worn done"--not only does it sound like a "Maine-ah", but I think it perfectly describes how we feel


Hope to see you at the beach. Call me before you head out. Hopefully, the technician for the blasted TV will get here in time.


John Holland said...

Found your blog...not really sure anymore, hopping from someone else's or just random blogging, but thought I'd drop you a note and say I enjoy it. I've went the writing route, published for awhile and am really wanting to get back into it. I just have to make myself get back into the daily habit of writing. When I was writing before I used to write all the time, I'd feel guilty if I didn't write. But since I basically quit I am finding it harder to get back into it. Ok, sorry didn't mean to go off on a tangent there, just wanted to let you know I know how it is trying to get a writing career going. Keep up the good work.