Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy 4th Birthday Erin!

This shows you how much Mommy loves you, Erin. I'm posting this picture of us because it's so clear to see how happy I was that you came into our lives. You entered the world the way you live life today--hard and fast. Always following in your big sis' footsteps, you made your debut the day after Cailyn's birthday, proving that Big Sis is "always right". Oh, you waited around for a while--20+ hours to be exact from when we entered the hospital. But, when you decided it was time, less than 5 minutes and two pushes later, you came screaming into the world (with a little bruiser eye to prove it). You've been a fighter since Day One, Miss E. You proved to be more of a challenge than Sissy your first year: horrible gas, ear infections, not settling as well into day care...There were days that I was unsure I was doing all I could to take care of you. But, again, you were a fighter and by the time your first birthday rolled around, you were into everything: always ready to explore. All of us thought that you were the fastest crawler ever. Who needs walking when you can zip around the house safely on all fours?! Still, chasing after Cailyn got you up and running soon enough! I know that parents aren't supposed to label their children, but raising kids isn't always about "shoulds and shouldn't" according to some expert. You, dear Erin, are ruled by emotion (yes, you are truly Mommy's girl." You feel things to the core. You have an incredible capacity for empathy, an appreciation for beauty and a low tolerance for injustice (especially when it comes to when I say 'No!' lol). If eyes are windows to the soul, yours are wide open. That's the first thing most people notice about you: your gorgeous blue eyes. They sparkle when you're happy, flash when you're mad and twinkle when you're up to no good. What I love most about you is your flexibility and the fact that you are sometimes a paradox: you love dressing up like a girly princess, but have no problem growling like a dragon at the same time. You fully embrace your entire personality, on both sides of the spectrum. This can be challenging to us, because it's hard to keep up with who you are or what you're feeling at any given time, but there's no doubt that things are never boring... No one could ever have convinced me four years ago that one tiny (ok, not so tiny) baby could complete me. From the moment I first held you to today, when I have to run in order to keep up with you, you have been one of God's greatest gifts to me. You are still my baby, even though you're growing up right before my eyes. And, fortunately, you still don't mind so much having that role in my life. One day soon, that will change, I know. But, for now, I'm just so happy that we have such a special connection. Thank you for bringing humor, love and joy to our lives. And, just as I said to your sister, thanks for choosing me to be your Mommy!


Robin said...

Yet another wonderful tribute! You are good at this! Have you considered writing professionally?? ;-)

Happy Birthday ERIN!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th birthday Miss E. Micah and I hope that you are having a great day and are geeting lots of cool things. Love ya

Mike Todd said...

Sounds like she chose well!