Sunday, November 27, 2005

A "hot" meme

First, a shout out to Sheri: I blatently took this little meme from her; but, since she took it from someone else, I don't feel too guilty. LOL So, here's my stolen survey of info about me: The ABC's of Me A is for age: 34 B is for booze of choice: Frozen Mudslide C is for career: former teacher, current SAHM and freelance writer D is for your dad's name: Peter (who passed away in 1994) and George (who is my stepdad, but I call him dad) E is for essential items to bring to a party: Chocolate of some sort F is for favorite song at the moment: um....too many to mention. I'll come back to this one. (Ok, I'm back for this one--right now, the Oklahoma soundtrack is still playing in my head, even though it's been a week since the show closed. G is for favorite game: Enjoying playing Dungeons and Dragons on the Xbox H is for hometown: Born in the Bronx, NY, but consider both Yonkers, NY and Wells, VT my hometowns (since I lived in both places while growing up) I is for instruments you play: officially, none, but I dabble in percussion and piano once in a while. J is for jam or jelly you like: toss up between strawberry jelly and orange marmalade K is for kids: 2--Cailyn (age 7) and Erin (age 3), and of course, there's my "eldest child", my DH Jon. LOL L is for living arrangements: Jon, me, the two girls and 4 fish in our Maine M is for mom's name: Jacqueline (but she goes by Jackie) N is for name of your crush: oh, my too many to mention in my past, but if I had to choose one: Joey. O is for overnight hospital stays: Only twice: when I gave birth to my children P is for phobias: spiders, flying (although that one is getting better), death Q is for quotes you like: "This is bad on so many levels" R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Will be celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary to Jon in 2006, but we've been together for a little over 11 years now. T is for time you wake up: generally, around 7 on weekdays, weekends it depends on the girls. U is for underwear: Hanes Her Way or Just My Size for big butts V is for vegetable you love: Corn on the cob W is for weekend plans: put up and decorate Xmas tree, get organized for the holidays X is for x-rays you've had: left wrist (broken), lungs (testing for pneumonia), teeth Y is for yummy food you make: According to Jon, I make a mean thanksgiving feast, but I also do things up on the grill pretty nicely, too. Z is for zodiac sign: Pisces


Sheri said...

mmmmm yummy on the frozen mudslides! A fellow Picses too... I knew I liked you for a reason! lol

Melody said...

Pices here too...liked this meme alot. Lots of very important information!!!!