Thursday, November 24, 2005

Giving Thanks

As with most holidays, it seems a shame that it takes a designated day on the calendar to take a moment to reflect on the good things in life. I suppose it's just easier to latch onto the everyday stresses and problems that come up. So, in the interest of keeping up with traditions that date back to 1620 and a group of pilgrims who, compartively speaking, had a lot less to be thankful for than I have now, I'd like to offer my heartfelt gratitude for a number of things:
  • I'm incredibly thankful for my husband, Jon. He's probably the one aspect/person in my life that I take for granted the most. His support is unwavering, his love surpasses all things rational. Somehow, he's managed to stick with me through 11 years of this relationship and still finds ways to make me smile and recognize my self-worth after all that time. He's truly the best thing that's happened in my life.
  • I'm thankful for my two beautiful girls. Cailyn and Erin continue to astound and amaze me (in both good and puzzling ways), and they teach me more about life than two people under the age of 10 should be able.
  • I'm thankful for the family and friends that I have, both near and far, who add so much joy and compassion to my life.
  • I'm thankful that I'm taking steps to make my life better--accepting responsibility for my own well-being isn't easy, but it'll be worth it.
  • I'm thankful that I have an opportunity to write--and I've resolved that I'm not going to continue to squander that chance.

There are tons of other things, but I think I've made my point. On this Thanksgiving Day, remember the little things in life that make it whole...that make it full. It's those little things that make the big things possible, and what round out a complete and happy life.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

1 comment:

Mike Todd said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Pilgrim. Sweet post.