Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Big Sister Blues...

Big Sis Cailyn Hot Doggin' It
Whoever said it's easy being the big sister probably hasn't been there. I sure haven't. As an only child, I have no idea of what it's like to be in that role. Cailyn seems to have been born to be a big sister. She certainly loves being the "older and wiser" of the Rossiter girls, but with the title comes a lot of responsibility, and sometimes I forget that. From the time she was just over one, Cailyn has had a way of taking care of herself--and anyone else that came along. She can be incredibly silly, but, most times, she is content to be on her own, doing things her way. She's always been older than her years, and, consequently, those around her forget the fact that she's still just a little kid. Most days, Cailyn is 7 going on 12, easily. She doesn't talk like a child, but like a tiny adult (well, not that tiny, she's also quite tall for her age...yikes!) She has an awareness and a grasp for detail that I find hard to wrap my "mature" brain around. She is a perfectionist, and that is a trait I seem to have passed on to her :(. When things in her world aren't right, she lashes out in frustration and confusion. In a world that has so little order and is always changing, I'm afraid sometimes that she won't be able to cope well, in spite of her amazing intelligence. Her capacity to amaze is endless, whether it is about the things she knows or simply her creativity. Her dream is to be an artist, and she has the right mind and spirit for it. I hope to be able to encourage her as she grows into the person she is becoming. Although Cailyn is older, I really think she needs me more than her sister. And, as her mom, I need to remember that more....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big sisters are special--I'm big sister to four brothers and three sisters and my daughter is a big sister to one little brother. Like your daughter, she seems so much older than she really is. It's easy to forget she needs just as much (if not more) attention and guidance as her little brother.

Good luck with yours--she sounds like a wonderful girl.