Saturday, March 04, 2006

A do nothing kinda day

Today was one of those days that I know is sometimes necessary, but I still have some reservations about.

We didn't do a hell of a lot.

Ordinarily, our weekends are full of things to do, whether it's around the house or family outings. Our weekdays are crazy and, most weeks, the weekends aren't much better.

This weekend started out like most others. Our girls have been pretty good about not barging into our bedroom much before 8am. They'll just go into the living room and watch TV for a little bit, run around the house, scream and yell or whatever--I guess they forget that sound carries. But, at least they aren't pounding on the door at 7am.

By 8am, though, they usually come in and remind us that they need to eat, because apparently we starve them by not feeding them the moment they wake up. As I lay in bed this morning, willing myself to get a move on, Cailyn asks if she and Erin can paint. I hesitate, but in my half-conscious state, I agree, warning them to be careful and only to paint in the dining room. They promised they would. I have a plastic tablecloth on the table, so I knew they couldn't do too much damage.

About 10 minutes later, I'm downstairs and the dining room looks fine. As I head into the kitchen and ask the girls what they want for breakfast, I see it--red paint. It's all over my sink and the dishes in it, the backsplash, part of the counter. If I didn't know better, I'd swear that there had been some sort of sacrificial rite in my kitchen. The actual explanation made less sense then that, though:

"I needed to wash my brush," Cailyn explained.

That was the start of the day. I cleaned up the kitchen and then touched upon Cailyn's room (after debating with her about what cleaning it up really means).

After that, I decided I was done with chores for the day.

Things have been very busy lately, so I guess yesterday and today were sorta recharge days. Yesterday I screwed around with my blog. Today was my crochet--I'm trying to finish a baby gift for a friend of mine who may be having her first one any day now (say a prayer for her and her family, if you would. It's a long story, but believe me when I say prayers would be much appreciated). I started a sweater months ago; it was in a moment of insanity. I got to the armholes and realized I was out of my league. Instead, I'm working on a hooded blanket. I also have a couple hats made and need to do a couple of pair of socks. The baby shower is a week from today. I'm sure that it won't all be finished, but I can at least bring pictures of what I have done and bring along my other gift: diapers. I know, it doesn't sound like the best shower gift in the world, but as a mom, I can tell you that diapers are something that can always be used and they ain't cheap. I always buy a couple of large bundles in variuos sizes, so that mom and baby will have some for a while.

As for tomorrow, it's my birthday. The big 3-5. I'll reflect on that tomorrow, since it doesn't seem right to do it beforehand. I will say that it's not something I'm dreading. Jon and I have plans to go out, which we desperately need to do. Nothing fancy, but we should have a good time. And, that's what really matters. We haven't had alone time in a long while. I hope we remember what to say to each other ;)

Do-nothing days like today and yesterday are great, but I always feel a little bad: there are so many other things I could be accomplishing. There are just some times, though, that the brain says, "Nah, not thinking today..."

And, I decided not to fight it. That's what Mondays are for.


Robin said...


Hope you have (or had depending on when you read this!) a great time out with hubby!!


mainiax said...

Happy Birthday

Sheri said...

what the ....!!!! I missed your birthday. What kind of friend am I??? I hope you had a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Marie! Happy Birthday! You remind me of me. Sorry, but it's true. My kids and family always came first. But in the long run, that's what's important! I know it, you know it.... Love ya girlfriend!