After doing my first Thursday Thirteen yesterday, I've become motivated to finally do my "100 things" meme...I've put it off for a long time, but I guess it's time to give it a shot.
Marie's 100 Things...
1. I was born in the Bronx, NY
2. I lived in Yonkers, NY until I was 14, when my mom and dad moved to VT to get me out of the city.
3. I'm glad that we moved, although I think there will always be a part of me that is a "city girl".
4. I've always been a person who has very few friends, but the ones I do have are incredibly special to me and I'd do almost anything for.
5. However, there were times when I was a kid that just for a few moments, I could see what it was like to be popular.
6. I loved school as a kid--still do, in some ways. (No wonder why I wasn't popular! LOL)
7. From the time I was about 6 or 7, I wanted to be a teacher.
8. I followed my childhood dream and got my teaching degree.
9. I never thought I'd leave teaching after only 5 years of full time work and only 10 years after getting my degree
10. Teaching is never what anyone thinks it is--even those who studied it in school. It's emotionally and psychologically draining--and so little about it has to do with actual instruction anymore--especially in the high schools, where I was at.
11. Even though I haven't lived in VT for 10 years, I still call it "home".
12. My father died when I was 23--two weeks shy of my college graduation.
13. Dad was an alcoholic.
14. This is why I rarely drink. I see what it did to him and my family--totally not worth it for me.
15. I have addictive tendencies (i.e. food), so drinking seems too risky for me.
16. As much as I miss my dad and as sad as I was when he passed away, there is a part of me that is...dare I say it...relieved for what happened. Dad's death gave my mom and I a chance to start over, in a way.
17. I still feel kinda guilty for that train of thought, though.
18. I've been married for 9 years--and this year has been the hardest by far. I'm pretty sure once we hit 10 years in July, it will feel like a major accomplishment. Marriage is work, no matter how long you've been together!
19. I didn't plan on getting married until I was 30...Jon changed that plan ;) He's the love of my life.
20. I didn't plan on becoming a mom until after I was married for 5 years...that plan changed, too! LOL
21. I thought it would be hard for me to have kids--WRONG---talk about Fertile Mertyl!
22. I've suffered through 2 ectopic pregnancies. I feel blessed every day that I'm still here and that I have two beautiful daughters in spite of my losses.
23. My family means the world to me, even when they drive me crazy sometimes.
24. I worry sometimes that I relate to one of my daughters more than the other...and what kind of impact that may have on my relationship with the other...
25. The past few months have been a huge struggle for me, as my best friend moved out of state. (see #4). I've felt a bit lost and out of sync.
26. I love the fact that I can call myself a writer.
27. It also scares me, too.
28. My favorite show is The West Wing--even though it is no where near the caliber it once was in its glory days (1999-2001)
29. My mom is one of my best friends. We've been through so much together and our bond is very strong.
30. I still worry about pleasing my mom and disappointing her--all the time.
31. I used to be a ballroom dancer, and a pretty good one, before I had kids.
32. I miss dancing like that, even after 7 years of being away from it.
33. I'm a weather and news junkie
34. I'm a Pisces.
35. I like my eyes
36. I think that I'm a pretty good writer--but sometimes am very afraid of sharing my work with others. Yeah, fear of rejection, I guess.
37. I'm not a great housekeeper, but I'm getting better at it!
38. I'm a decent cook, but love going out to eat.
39. I like to travel.
40. Well, I like to visit places--the travel part isn't so much fun.
41. Two of my favorite places to visit are Quebec City and Disney World.
42. I've never been to Europe and really don't care about that.
43. I might want to visit Ireland one day, to see where my dad's family came from.
44. I don't feel like I take enough time for myself most weeks
45. I still love watching Little House on the Prairie (it's on in the background right now!)
46. Fall is my favorite season
47. I looove italian food.
48. Chocolate ain't so bad, either.
49. I've always had a self-image problem. I don't know why. Really had no reason to...
50. There are times I wish I lived closer to my family.
51. I'm starting to think more about moving--and I'm sure it won't be closer to my family :(
52. There's a book inside of me just waiting to get out. I just need to give it the right key.
53. I was diagnosed as clincially depressed last year.
54. I've been on meds since then, and am having more good days than bad. I still struggle sometimes, though.
55. I've recently started to crochet.
56. I'm not crafty at all, so imagine my surprise that I'm doing ok with it.
57. My music tastes range widely--My iPod holds everything from classical, jazz, showtunes, hip-hop, oldies, disco, country, rap, name it, it's on there.
58. I need a vacation really badly--14 days and counting!
59. I'm a little stressed, though, with our upcoming vacation. Travelling with two kids on a plane. A first for us.
60. I dream of winning the lottery, so that I wouldn't worry so much about money all the time.
61. I won 15 dollars in Powerball yesterday--dreams have gotta start somewhere, right?
62. I'm really looking forward to the holidays this year.
63. My favorite color is teal
64. I don't consider myself a morning person, but notice that when I get up a bit earlier than usual, I'm much more productive during the day.
65. I'm teaching myself html.
66. I'm also working on learning more about my digital camera and photography. Lots of reading, lots of picture taking.
67. I've been trying to grow my hair out for months--and I'll probably wind up chopping it all off again because my hair is too damn frizzy!
68. My dream house is a large ranch house--with everything on one floor.
69. I love my current house, but wouldn't mind redecorating some of the rooms.
70. Martha Stewart I am not, though--see #56. So, it's little bits at a time...
71. I have a goal to write 50,000 words next month.
72. I spoil myself by going to get a massage and/or facial. I'm not a girlie-girl at all, but looove being pampered.
73. I'm almost 35 and proud of it!
74. I bite my nails. I've tried to stop--hasn't worked so far.
75. My girls bite their nails and I'm trying to get them to stop, too.
76. I enjoy watching some of the silly shows my daughters watch on Nickelodeon (i.e. Drake and Josh).
77. Day lilies are my favorite flowers.
78. I enjoy Twinkies every now and then....another guilty pleasure.
79. I'm laughing at Spongebob right now. OMG, I think I've sunk to a new low.
80. I love playing video games.
81. I especially love beating Jon when playing video games.
82. Have I mentioned that I am competitive? ;)
83. I've been on an orange juice kick lately. Yummy!
84. Pizza is a food sent from the Gods.
85. Speaking of God, I'm a Roman Catholic
86. Although, I wonder sometimes if I'm in the right "religion" or if there is even such a thing.
87. I believe in God and in Jesus Christ, but there's so much I don't get about my faith.
88. The whole confession thing...I don't need a middle man to let God know I screwed up. And saying a few prayers ain't gonna make things better. I gotta take responsibility and take action for the wrongs I've committed against myself, others and God.
89. This will probably cause some interesting conflicts since Cailyn is preparing for her first confession in December. How will I answer her questions? Will I go to confession to support her?
90. Also, the decree against birth control? (*laughing hysterically*)
91. Despite my questions, I have always been fascinated with the Bible and what God's word can teach me about myself, Him and Jesus.
92. I wish I read more than I do. I read very quickly, which annoys Jon no end--but I still don't find myself reading the way I did before I had kids.
93. Jon says that I need to put in that I'm "Ultrasexy", please tell him I did, ok?
94. I'm actually a little miffed that Jon read The DaVinci Code before I got to it (I promised that I'd finish last month's book club book first).
95. My favorite drink: ice cold milk
96: Frozen Mudslides are good, too! (that, along with frozen raspberry daquiri's are what I make exceptions to drinking for).
97. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 20 years old!
98. I once had a lead role in the musical "Oliver!"--as Fagin (who is very much a male!) Actually had to tape down my developing chest at the time. What artists won't do for their art, huh?
99. After almost a 10-year hiatus, I'm going to be back on the stage in about 4 weeks in "Oklahoma". I'll be playing Aunt Eller.
100. My favorite saying when things get tense: "It just doesn't matter!"